Thursday, August 9, 2007

Just an ordinary day...

Clangclang!! Mooooooove!!!!! Whiiiiir!!! Yo talkin' to me?? Excuuuuuse ME! Ciakciakciak!Excuuuuseee Meee!!! Rrrroooooaaaaarrrrr!!!!No -woman-noWeeee!-cryyyy...BambambamEcouteecoute! Un pochito de..You knowwww, he said he reeeeeally likes me...Whiiiiiiiiiirrrr!Tactactac!Vrrooooommm!Splash! Ticktockticktock! Bang! I need mor...Buzzzz! money money money! Whiiiiirrr! that's him! Clickclickclick!!! Cough!cough! No, ma abbiamo sbagliato...Hisssshisssss! strada!! Craaaash! Szhooom! Pleease help the..Vrooom! homele..I know i know it's not..Whiiiirrrr!
Out of service out of service out of service, please get oooouuuttttt!!!
I had enough.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer's Soul

Late June, Charlotte: the wind has changed, the trees have shaken, the lake is feeling the first drops drowning. The clouds have gathered, the lights have parted.
Timing the seconds we're waiting, hushed: at last the thunder echoed.
Enjoy the silence.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Home Sweet...

This is where I live, the place I call home everyday. But what is "home" though? Home is what makes you feel protected, the space you know you belong to. At home you don't feel like a foreigner, a guest, one that everybody knows is just passing by. At home you live your life, and you know it's the right one.
After few years abroad, I realize I can't call any place "home". Home is not NY, nor Italy: being here is not me yet, and being there is not me anymore.
Here I am discovering, there I am missing.
Here I can't tolerate business people in flip flops, there I am astonished by the impetuous desire of looking cool.
In a city of 9 million people, where nobody is really at home, can I be so pretentious to think I am the only one having troubles? Of course not. I keep in the game, aware that tomorrow I could not be at home in any other house of the world.

Monday, June 18, 2007

One Way New York

I have something to do, something to say, something to think, something to forget. But when?
Here where I live the answer is : what about now? NOW is the only start and the only arrival. Yesterday is over, tomorrow is too far away in the future to worry about.
There comes the name of this blog. From the impossibility of thinking myself in any other dimension but Now.
I am 27 Now and I cannot afford to think about my 26s, I left them behind only few days ago but they deserve no more time: go ahead, the world (or maybe just the City?) keeps on working, so why shouldn't you, right Now?
Here starts my journey through the attempt of escaping Now, sitting down, breathing, choosing and planning. Now is just time for it.